Today is Monday. That’s enough to put me in a bad mood by itself. But this continuous water pouring out of the sky is really starting to piss me off.
I was appreciative last night when it started raining. I don’t have a green thumb, mostly because I’m too lazy and forgetful to keep up with watering. Each spring I get this desire to plant flowers and such, but once they’re in the ground my enthusiasm trails off. It hasn’t rained at all in the past several weeks, so the plants in the front of the house have been looking wilted and stunted lately. I was just starting to feel bad enough about the way they looked to actually get the hose out. Thankfully the rain relieved me of my guilt.
If it had stopped after a couple hours, that would have been perfect. After raining steady all night and today though, my flowers are drowning and I’m just pissy.
If it had stopped after a couple hours, that would have been perfect. After raining steady all night and today though, my flowers are drowning and I’m just pissy.
For those of you that don’t live in the “low country” of South Carolina , let me explain… We’re about as “low” as you can get – sea level. That means utter chaos in weather like this!
Sunny Low Country
Rainy Low Country
Southerners aren’t known for their driving ability to begin with. If it sprinkles during rush hour, you have a 90% chance of being hung up by an accident. Add flooding roads and malfunctioning traffic lights to the mix and you can pretty much expect to get nowhere. I still don’t understand the inability of the people around here to drive while it’s raining. Simply slow down to a reasonable speed and leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. I didn’t say come to a complete stop on the interstate! I guess that’s a hard concept to grasp.
When I moved to South Carolina a few years ago, my first observations about the differences between Northerners and Southerners were made on the road. People in the south have trouble overcoming inertia. Very slow to start. Yet somehow they have no trouble with defying momentum, abruptly stopping without any sign. I was concerned about what kind of vehicles would be on the road since there is no annual inspection required. I was worried for nothing though. Even if you can’t pay your rent or feed your babies, somehow the $500 car payment for the brand new beamer is never overlooked.
It actually snowed a couple of inches last winter. I stayed off the roads for two days in fear of my life.
South Carolina drivers might be bad, but Georgia, specifically Atlanta, are frightning. SC has a problem using that stick on the left hand side of the steering wheel until they decide to actually go left or right at the last minute, if they use it at all. My personal pet peeve. That and taxi drivers, you'd think with as many hours as they spend on the road, they would be safer drivers....nope not. Dina