Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cat's Rule

So far, my posts have been more about our dogs, but don’t forget that this zoo is substantially composed of felines.  In fact, they now out number dogs, 3 to 1.  Luckily Nash is pretty adaptable, or maybe he’s just not bright enough to realize that there is a difference between cats and dogs.  He’s been around cats his entire life, yet Nash still doesn’t get that they only want to play when THEY decide they want to.  Nash still gets over rambunctious when one of the cats passes by and then acts all surprised when he gets wacked in the face.  Cause and consequence escapes him.

Nash’s confusion might come from the fact that both Chili and Lew do enjoy playing with him on occasion.  Just the other day I saw a streak of orange fly through the living room, followed by a streak of grey.  Loud snarls and squeals then filled the air as Chili rolled Nash several times.  Once she had accomplished her “tigger” move, Chili jumped out of reach before Nash could react.  Chili had proven her dominance over the stupid dog, so she was finished. 

I think maybe when Lew gets to be bigger, he’ll play more fairly with Nash than Chili does.  Maybe it’s more than just a dog/cat thing, maybe also a boy/girl issue…  Lew is way more interested in playing with Nash than either of the other cats, but he’s so much smaller than Nash right now that I usually end up yelling at Nash to stop being so rough.  Nash is then pummeled while he’s distracted by my hollering.

Puppies can be pretty destructive, but I have found that you can usually keep important items out of reach until the “teething” stage passes.  However cat’s do not grow out of their destructive stage, and they just don’t care. 

They don’t care if you scream at them to stop scratching the side of the couch or to get down off of the kitchen counters.

They don’t care if you severely cut yourself on a piece of glass from your favorite figurine that they knocked of the top of the TV and smashed into little pieces.

They don’t care if they toss their stinky litter 20 feet from the litter box while creating the perfect divot to do their business in.

You simply can not discipline a cat.  They do what the want, when they want, and do not care what you think about it.

Good thing they are so cute.

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