Thursday, October 15, 2015

Zucchini Parmesan Chips - a satisfying snack or side dish

I do like kale chips, but they are a bit like eating air and therefore not so filling... THESE on the other hand are actually very satisfying and quite delicious.  If you like the taste of pizza, then you surely will like these!

I used my mandolin slicer set with it's thinnest blade to cut an entire zucchini squash into little disks.  I'm sure you could cut thin slices with a regular knife and cutting board, but the mandolin makes it quick and easy.

I laid these out flat on a parchment lined cookie sheet.  I sprinkled a liberal amount of garlic powder and a less liberal amount of salt over the zucchini before adding a healthy pinch of shredded Parmesan to the top of each slice.  Then I put them in the preheated oven @ 425F. 

I'm sure the cook time will vary depending on the exact thickness of the slices, but I know mine were in for at least 30 minutes before I felt they were done.  And even so, there were some that were crispy and some that were not so much.  Another 5 minutes might have been just perfect, but even so, they were scrumptious!  And I ate the entire batch for my lunch (guilt-free!).

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